Technology to Help You Sail through Your Pregnancy

Certainly, these days aren’t the best of times. That goes for everyone on the planet, and it’s even worse for a pregnant mother. If you look at it, with one death every 36 seconds as the coronavirus takes lives by the thousands, you’re bound to find more misery without a strong semblance of hope. Depressing might even sound too simplistic.

For one, hospitals are running out of beds. Thus, when a child is born, mothers are sent packing within 24 hours, even much less. And as the usual care for women should be between 12 and 15, medical visits are not in jeopardy. Everything has to be done at a frenetic pace. Worse, pregnant women have a lot more to lose.

Luckily, technology has given women a timely respite. Here are some of the most useful tech products for expectant women:

Telehealth Services

There’s a reason why pregnancy, birth, and its aftercare account for hospital visits in America. Mothers need all the care they can get. But that’s changing now. Soon-to-be-moms can’t afford to visit the hospital as often as they need to. Not only are mothers at a greater risk of exposure to the virus at the hospital, but it’s also jam-packed with coronavirus-infected patients. To note, pregnant women are prone to developing a severe form of COVID-19 infections.

Fortunately, telehealth services are bridging the gap. Through text support, video appointments, and phone calls, women make the most of virtual care. And the results say it all. As telehealth services exploded, more and more women avail of visits both for prenatal and postpartum purposes.

The Cloud

Another technology that has helped women sail through their pregnancy is the cloud. With online storage, patient monitoring for telehealth services has become faster, at a click of a finger.

Before, a doctor’s visit was ideal for blood pressure checks to avoid such complications as preeclampsia, a condition responsible for 70,000 pregnancy-related maternal deaths, not to mention half-a-million miscarriages all over the world yearly. Today, medical companies provide blood pressure cuffs so that women can monitor themselves.

Indeed the cloud has provided secure access for a soon-to-be mother’s data for access by a medical professional anywhere on the planet. But online storage also has perks. For one, it can be timely storage for your memories while on pregnancy and after childbirth.

For instance, with a photographer for your newborn, you can have your child’s first pictures compiled and stored for any relative or medical doctor to see hundreds of miles away. Even better, you can have the expert photographer document the birth of your child. With the right professional, things will come out as memorable as you want them to be.

Wellness Apps

The first person a woman wants to see upon knowing she’s pregnant is likely a gynecologist. That certainly isn’t big on the horizon now that COVID-19 has changed the face of the earth. However, thanks to pregnancy apps, a pregnant woman won’t have to change her location and travel away from home to see an O.B. Gyne. All they have to do is download an app and, with that in place, interact with a desired medical practitioner. It’s a lot like telehealth services.

pregnant couple

It’s a win-win scenario at its best. Once the patient is enrolled in a wellness program through the app, monitoring the pregnancy is easier. Data can also be easily accessed via the cloud, making it a seamless transaction. Plus, the patient won’t have to wait at the clinic while other people are being attended to. For the medical practitioner, there’s no risk of in-person meets. In this sense, it reduces the infection risk of the doctor or nurse.

Baby Tech

Additionally, there’s a lot that technology can offer for your baby. A good example is infant wearables. Definitely, you want to monitor the wellness of your newborn. That’s because it’s at this stage that they are most vulnerable to sickness and all sorts of complications.

A concrete example is the Smart Sock. All you have to do is put the sock on your baby. The result? You get to track your baby’s vital signs even while asleep.

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