Five Cleaning Tips for Restaurants in the Post-quarantine World

Due to the threat of COVID-19, a large number of countries have implemented lockdowns in certain regions. After months of home confinement, various places all over the world have begun to ease quarantine measures. In response, some businesses have reopened under a skeletal workforce. These include restaurants and other food-serving establishments, though, for some, only delivery and to-go orders are allowed.

Since the pandemic is ongoing, social distancing measures are still in place. To facilitate the safe resumption of business, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued guidelines for cleaning public spaces. To ensure the safety of your employees and customers, check out the following suggestions:

Personal Hygiene Is a Must

Instruct employees to wash their hands before and after preparing food, after sneezing and coughing, and after a trip to the washroom. Use a handkerchief or tissue when you cough or sneeze. When it comes to killing coronaviruses, using soap and water is recommended. Health experts advise people to wash their hands for twenty seconds. This gives soap enough time to cover the entire hand. Humming the Happy Birthday song twice during handwashing is an excellent way to time yourself. Aside from regular handwashing, one should also avoid touching the face with unwashed hands.

Here’s why soap and water are effective. The soap contains molecules called amphiphiles, which destroy the virus’ membrane. The amphiphiles then surround the virus’ scattered particles. These are washed away once you rinse your hand with water.

Cleaning and Disinfection of Hard Surfaces

Clean tables and counters thoroughly before you disinfect. You’ll need a bucket of warm water, an all-purpose cleaner, and a piece of cloth. Wipe the rag across the surface to remove dirt and stains. Since you’ll be doing this often, consider shopping rags in bulk.

You can then proceed to disinfection, which clears away dirt residues. Use diluted household bleach that has at least 1000 ppm of sodium hypochlorite to disinfect. Prepare the solution by combining 1/3 cup or five tablespoons of bleach per gallon of water. Make sure that the bleach is not expired because the unexpired diluted bleach solution can work against coronaviruses. Don’t mix bleach with other chemicals such as ammonia. The solution’s effectivity lasts up to 24 hours.

Cleaning and Disinfection of Commonly Touched Areas

cleaning materials

Frequently touched areas, such as light switches, faucets, handrails, and doorknobs, should be cleaned at least twice a day. If appropriate, use the same bleach solution used on hard surfaces. The staff also frequently touches electronics such as the cash register, touchscreens used for self-service orders, and their mobile devices. Consider encasing these gadgets in wipeable covers so that you may also clean them according to the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions. If there are no instructions, consider using alcohol-based wet wipes. Dry them thoroughly after cleaning.

Cleaning and Disinfection of Dining Wares

If you handwash plates, utensils, glasses, and cookware, wash them like you normally do. Afterward, soak them in chlorine bleach solution for two minutes. Mix one tablespoon of unscented chlorine bleach per gallon of water.

Wear Gloves

Use disposable gloves to shield your skin from chemicals and protect them from contamination. If you’re wearing reusable gloves, reserve those gloves for cleaning and clean them as well. Gloved hands must still be washed after using a cleanser. Lastly, take off the gloves after cleaning so as not to spread germs.

Since the end of the pandemic is still unknown, people need to adapt to the situation. We need to consider the possibility that this is how businesses will be run for the time being. Adhering to these guidelines can help slow down the spread of the disease.

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