Classy and Unforgettable Dating Ideas to Try This Year

Let’s face it — movie and dinner dates are getting a bit more cliche and boring. If you want a more unforgettable and unique date experience, you should consider ruling those out and exploring your other options. While it’s undoubtedly fun to see your most-awaited movie with your beloved, it’s just not that romantic, and with a day as significant as Valentine’s, shouldn’t you take your efforts up a notch? Chances are thousands of other couples are also seeing a movie that day, and crowded places are not as classy, not to mention it can hinder sweet moments.

That said, widen your options now while you’re still weeks away from the much-awaited hearts’ day. And if one of these ideas gets you excited, perhaps you shouldn’t wait until Valentine’s Day anymore and just take your boo out tonight or as soon as you can.

1. See a Musical

Unlike movies, musicals are performed live by highly gifted and talented artists, bands, and entertainers. If you and your date are watching for the first time, you will not be disappointed. It’s a completely captivating and unforgettable experience. Tickets can be costly, but once in a while, it’s good to splurge if it’s to experience something new. Great live music venues in Red Wing, Minnesota and other places also offer dining packages on select events, so you might want to avail those. A happy tummy while watching exceptional musical sounds like a brilliant idea.

2. Candlelit Dinner

This may also be cliche, but if you’ve never given it a shot before, it can be a fun experience. Besides, don’t you think you’ve had enough of takeouts and pizza deliveries already? Surprise them by cooking your dinner yourself and decorating the place. You don’t need to hire a violinist for background music, just a romantic setup with tasty food, candlelight, and an allowance for undisturbed conversations will be more than enough. The effort will not go unappreciated.

3. Go on a Scenic Drive

If you’re in for spontaneity but are not much an adventure-seeker, a scenic drive will suffice to feed your souls. Ideally, though, it’s best done in autumn because the surroundings are extra alluring during that season, but since February approaches spring, you might be lucky to see some scenic spots in highways near coasts. But don’t worry about those much; after all, your eyes should be on the road, and ears all to your date.

4. Get Close to Nature

Camping, hiking, a walk along the park, the woods, or a garden, are great ways to get close to nature and enjoy the outdoors with your significant other. You can rest near a waterfall, a spring, in between trees, or just about anywhere quiet with only the sounds of nature to soothe your hearing. The outdoors can also ease your stress since you’ll be disconnected from urban distractions like the internet and work-related inquiries. Nature serves as a perfect romantic dating spot, one you can enjoy over smores, campfire dinners, or picnics.

5. Go to a Museum

Romantic date concept

If you and your beloved are fascinated by history and arts, then a museum date is no doubt fitting for you. Some museums offer free admission on certain days of a month, so you can catch those if you’re on a shoestring budget. Nonetheless, museum dates will always be fun and intellectually stimulating, regardless of the cost.

These classy dating ideas will surely impress your beloved and they’ll adore you even more for coming up with something new and unforgettable. Most of them are inexpensive, too, which goes to show that you don’t need a hefty amount of money to make great memories and to exude class.

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