The Benefits of Social Media Use for Seniors

It is evident that social media usage has become so popular that its users have grown a lot over the years. Over recent years, the number of older people who use social media has increased dramatically, including those who show enthusiasm in embracing and living life without these networking tools.

This article will discuss how beneficial social media is for seniors and how it has changed their lives.

Help Seniors Stay Connected

One of the best advantages of social media is its ability to help connect many people around the world, which means that everyone who uses it can get in touch or connect with their families and friends, including seniors.

No matter where your family member around the world is, whether a different country or on the other side of the world, seniors who use social media are just a few clicks away from connecting and communicating with their loved ones.

Nowadays, there are several video chat sites or platforms that they can use, such as Skype, Zoom, and Google Meet. These tools allow seniors to talk with their family members, see them, and share their stories online.

With the help of media-sharing platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, seniors can see the photos of their children, grandchildren, and even their old friends or acquaintances.

Social media is no doubt currently the best means of communication. Huge amounts of video calls and chats help everyone stay connected with other people. Commonly, senior people use emails to communicate with their friends, colleagues, and families. But they are now starting to learn that social media is better than emails and use it as a primary means of communication.

Like other people in different age groups, seniors can also share links, post status updates, photos, and videos as their contact grows.

Older parents on a video call

Enjoy Certain Health Benefits

Seniors who use social media enjoy many health benefits, such as reduction in loneliness, depression symptoms, and the feeling of isolation. Senior people who are older are commonly facing challenges in mobility. These challenges make it hard for them to get outside their house and spend time with their loved ones or family.

But senior people who regularly use social media are shown to perform well intellectually with good health. Social media helps them get satisfied with their primary social needs. It acts as a stimulant for their mental health and keeps them generally in check mentally.

Bridge the Generation Gap

Most people in the younger generation think that seniors are having a hard time using technology. That’s their common mindset. But this stereotype is proven wrong because elderly people are making an effort to get a deeper understanding and involvement in modern technology.

Besides, it’s also a good opportunity for young individuals to be more connected with their senior loved ones. For instance, if you are an IT expert and your grandparent’s internet connection keeps on breaking, this gives you a chance to stop by her house and check what’s wrong. Through this simple action, the gap between you and her closes, giving both of you the chance to have a great relationship.

Social media is a common ground of conversation or communication for everyone. Social media includes life happenings and funny videos, which is why it greatly impacts seniors. They can find entertainment the same as younger generations. It includes music, movies, shows that are mainstream among younger people.

Spark Your Interests

This might be a little similar to the previous point. But in this one, social media gives you the chance to update your feed based on the topics you enjoy and your interests, including cooking, sports, health, and traveling.

One of the great examples of this is Pinterest. On Pinterest, users can share links or photos of ideas that may spark other people’s interests, including seniors. Seniors can also use online forums in discussing their life experiences.

Stay Updated on News

It’s not just their interests that they can get from social media. Seniors can also find a good source of news and updates from different social media platforms. For example, Twitter is a great platform for local events. This is a handy feature for everyone, regardless of their age group.

You can easily search for popular articles and new trends using a quick search feature. You will never miss significant issues or events around you as you use social media.

Platform to Start a Business

Retirees and senior people might have good business in their minds. A senior who has good experience in the past might conduct training lessons based on their skills. Or they can sell things that they no longer need or want. Seniors can also be a consultant based on their experiences or career. Even though they’re already retired, it doesn’t mean that they are not capable of sharing their skills and knowledge anymore.

As you can see, just like the younger age groups, senior people are also enjoying benefits in using social media. So if you have a senior who is trying to learn this technology, do not hesitate to help or teach them. Because communicating with their loved ones and family is one thing that they truly love.


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