Brands with Killer Digital Marketing Strategies During COVID-19

If brands want to remain relevant, they have to get with the times, pivot as circumstances evolve, and find ways to stand out no matter how saturated their industry. Unfortunately, not all businesses have the resources to compete with multimillion-dollar corporations, but smaller-scale businesses can look to bigger brands to see what they’re doing right and adapt it according to their context and consumers’ specific needs.

It’s getting more and more difficult for brands to stand out in an increasingly saturated digital landscape, but we can learn from brands who are killing the game. From creative campaigns and graphic designs to web design and development, here are some companies doing an excellent job with their digital marketing strategies during the global pandemic.


When the majority of makeup wearers are spending most of their time at home, cosmetics are seen as more of a luxury than a need. Makeup brands have had to think of ways to keep their products and services relevant when they have been rendered impractical and non-essential.

One of the makeup brands that continue to provide content that is both poignant and considerate to the plight of their consumers is L’Oréal. At the start of the pandemic, the brand enlisted the help of actress Eva Longoria, who filmed herself using nothing but a smartphone.

She let her untouched gray roots show, which added a touch of authenticity to the campaign. She showed herself doing “normal” activities like washing her face and applying her makeup—a way to reinforce that while celebrities enjoy so much more privilege than us common folk, they were also somehow affected by the crisis.

Another one of the brand’s genius moves was having award-winning actress Viola Davis give a gripping speech on what it means to care for and love oneself during these tumultuous times.

American Express (AMEX)

For many brands, “building a community” has become a buzzword and an aim, with no clear direction or sincere motivation for wanting to get there. Many brands may talk a big game about caring for their community, but not every brand out there truly creates a community of value and real connection.

During the pandemic, American Express (AMEX) put money where their mouth is through their Open Forum website. This is a collaborative effort between the brand and various industry experts. AMEX invited multiple guests from a diverse range of sectors to share their insights and wisdom on business.

The result is an ultra-rich website filled with helpful content for aspiring entrepreneurs. The website has become a well of resource for upstart business owners who want to learn more about the tricks of their trade and how to grow their businesses in practical ways.

woman dating online

The famed online dating service dealt with the losses of the pandemic the way many of us did: Through some well-placed humor. Since we can all agree that the past year and a half has been a dumpster fire for many of us, the website partnered with actor Ryan Reynolds to create a hilarious short that depicted Satan dating a woman called “2020.”

It was an earnest way for the brand to acknowledge how hard the year has been for their clients while still giving the situation some much-needed levity and humor. The spot went viral and opened the door for the brand to provide that they are still relevant and can help people find love when it feels impossible.


Another online brand that is killing the digital marketing game is Slack, which is the go-to platform for companies who want to collaborate online and communicate effectively. Using their various social media channels, the brand works hard to reach a wide range of demographics through an inclusive array of helpful posts and content.

From entry-level employees to CEOs, the brand has managed to create posts with sharing value, like inspirational quotes and productivity pointers. The graphic design is also notably colorful, vibrant, and pleasing to the eyes, making their brand an attractive de facto remote headquarters for millions of companies all over the world.

And the brand is clearly doing something right because Slack announced they are expecting total revenue of $855 million to $870 million for the full fiscal year of 2021, giving them a year-over-year growth of 36 to 38 percent.

Small businesses can learn so much from bigger and more successful brands. Keep your eyes peeled on how these corporations are doing it. Then, you can find effective ways to apply their best practices to your company’s specific context.

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