Is It Real: Reimagining Interactions with Immersive Technologies

Immersive technologies are set to reshape interactions in the post-pandemic world. The previous year was set to be a breakout year for immersive tech. Despite all the challenges that the global pandemic produced, more and more people are adopting these technologies.

From personal to professional use, chances are you’ve already seen and experienced what these technologies have to offer. They effectively integrate the virtual realm into the real world. Not only do they make work more efficient, but they can also help to fuel personal connections.

Is This The Real Life?

Immersive technologies usually include real-time 3D, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (XR). Each one can possess a limitless range of capabilities, which precisely what leading enterprises like Cosm companies are attempting to realize.

Theme parks, planetariums, sports shows, video games, immersive technologies can truly be found everywhere. Coupled with other emerging technologies like improved smartphone capabilities, 5G, and holograms, they pave the way towards a more tech-oriented future.

As remote interactions and work-from-home arrangements persist, these technologies have become more essential. The use of immersive technologies will improve productivity and enable more human connections, especially in the time of a global pandemic. Here are the major industries you could expect to adopt more of this tech in the future:

Shop ’til You Drop

There was a historic rise in the e-commerce industry in the previous year. As people were forced to adapt to the drastic changes of the global pandemic, they turned to online shopping to buy everything from groceries to personal items. It provided a lot of convenience and efficiency during such trying times.

If you’re also in support of e-commerce, it’ll only get better. The industry’s adoption of immersive technologies will help to foster safer and more fulfilling experiences for their customers. Interactions between sellers and consumers will be reshaped.

Food is Served

Restaurants and other establishments related to the foodservice industry were dealt a massive blow due to the pandemic. The best way to drive their recovery going forward is to elevate customer experiences. This is where immersive technologies come into play.

You could effectively ask for a virtual chef through AR or VR to showcase their skills as they prepare your food for you. People have also become more conscious about what they are consuming. In this regard, restaurants can tell stories behind their food and the journey it took to get to a customer’s plate.


Brick and Mortar

The industrial realm was one of the more traditional industries. Yet, the pandemic helped drive their digital transformation. More industry companies are beginning to see the value of technology, specifically immersive tech, in their line of work.

Accommodating virtual experiences was a particular challenge for industrial companies in the beginning. Now, it helps them to render AR representations of on-site processes like brick-laying, especially within the context of remote work. It allowed them to modernize and expand their capabilities.

Time for Class

Education was another sector that was severely affected by the global pandemic. Countless institutions were forced to transition to online schooling. Many people had trouble adapting to this sort of setup, some were unsure if it was even feasible. After almost a year of transition, the possibilities have opened up.

More institutions are now beginning to construct AR labs to deal with the context of a global pandemic. It also opens more opportunities in the post-pandemic world. This will help to address the issue between physical and virtual learning experiences. With this, you could essentially attend a class from anywhere.

The Age of Immersion

Immersive technologies can significantly provide solutions by linking the physical and digital worlds. There are certain key findings that prove the adoption of this tech within the workplace poses numerous benefits. It presents a paradigm shift in engagement and productivity.

The use of immersive technologies fosters a healthier culture within the work environment despite the disruptions caused by the global pandemic. Cross-functional collaborations from geographic locations become more accessible as well.

It’s true that other online tools and platforms, like video conferencing, are readily available to accomplish similar tasks. The edge of immersive technologies is that they can provide more creative ways of solving these disruptions.

The application of immersive technologies can definitely be far and wide. They provide drastic changes to how you can perceive and experience the surrounding environment. While the world has begun its slow road towards recovery, you can expect immersive technologies to dominate even in the post-pandemic era. With these impressive operations, it’s easy to see why that would be the case.

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