Four Visual Design Trends to Incorporate into Your Content This 2022

Every year, it seems as if brands are becoming savvier in terms of captivating audiences. And whether we admit it or not, trendy social media and website content are at the forefront of this endeavor. Social media is a powerful tool for gaining new audiences and converting their attention into sales.

Now more than ever, brands need to be ahead of the trends and what is considered good visual design if they want to capture audiences and turn their attention into a financial transaction. If you want your brand’s visual design to be up-to-the-minute and trendy, partner up with a reputable digital marketing firm that knows its way around creating top-notch content that still speaks to your brand’s unique visual identity, and let them know you want your content for this year to engage the right people.


Here are some trends you need to incorporate into your content this 2022:


If you’re going to use visual depictions of people in your content this year, make sure that it is inclusive and does not just revolve around white, male, and able-bodied representation. This trend is not just about pandering or appearing “woke,” it’s about genuinely ensuring that all types of audiences are represented in your content—especially those who are disenfranchised and often marginalized in mainstream media. Draw pictures of people of all shapes, genders, sizes, races, faiths, and ages—and build your reputation as a brand that caters to all sectors of society, even if you do have a target demographic.

One example of a brand that’s doing a magnificent job at this is Slack. Their social media content is always inundated with inclusive visuals, showing visuals of more diverse groups of people. One way you can do this is by displaying the makeup of your company’s workforce to show your audiences that you are not just paying lip service and that this is a value that you are living out in a practical way.

Data visualization

This trend is all about presenting otherwise complex and boring data in a more interesting, fun, and creative way. Some examples of visualized data include:

  • Infographics
  • Charts
  • Graphs
  • Cartography or maps
  • Dot distribution maps
  • Dashboards
  • Tables
  • Word clouds

If you are presenting data to your audiences, like product ingredients, reviews, statistics, and other pertinent information, consider presenting them in these fun and engaging ways. No one wants to read a block of text in 2022.

Bold palettes and color blocking

There’s a reason why Spotify Wrapped has become such a viral marketing trend in the past few years, especially as the New Year rolls around. It’s true that users are interested in their music-playing habits in the past year and that they are also curious about how their friends are listening to music, but there’s also something about the way the whole feature was designed that is just incredibly engaging to the eyes. It’s a visual feast that captivates the user and makes them want to share it on their social media accounts. Trust us: If the visual design of Spotify Wrapped is subpar, it wouldn’t have taken off the way it did.

Here are some visual elements of Spotify Wrapped that you might want to take note of for your own campaigns this year:

  • Bolder and brighter colors, especially when they are contrasted with text that is lighter in shade
  • Color blocking is also another visual design trend that will continue to make waves in 2022

If you want your content to appear youthful and engaging this year, do not be afraid of using vibrant colors and color palettes. It will catch the eye of your viewers in a positive way.

Creative pragmatism

Another trend your brand needs to explore this year is creative pragmatism, or an ethos put forth by designer Amy Smilovic. The term “creative pragmatism” itself holds a lot of dissonances because it’s two opposing ideas—creativity and pragmatism—and yet when they come together, they arrive at a bolder, much more expressive approach to design. Because the pandemic has made so many creatives tired and uninspired, they found that art can also be utilitarian and used as a tool to communicate, and thus, creative pragmatism was born.

Creative pragmatism can manifest in the following trends:

  • 90s-inspired retro icons
  • Abstract or geometric patterns
  • Experimental typography
  • 2D or 3D illustrations
  • Interactive and visualized data

If you want your content to appear fresh and up-to-the-minute this 2022, then you cannot afford to ignore these trends. Incorporate them into your plans so that your brand will have nothing but shareable and engaging materials and content that inspire your audience to action.

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