5 Hacks to Turn Your Property into a Rustic Retreat

Many property owners have a particular penchant for Old World appeal in exterior and interior design. There is some kind of magic in the rustic appeal of such properties that makes homeowners invest huge amounts of cash and time to complete their project.

Fortunately, there are companies that specialize in manufacturing products that can turn any space into a haven with a bucolic aura. For example, you can get some nice barnwood interior wall coverings to give your home a rustic appearance. The time-hewn appeal of such products ensures that anyone stepping into your home will feel like they’re transported into another period and place – that of many decades or centuries ago in a faraway rural town.

Here are five ways to achieve that rustic appeal for your property:

Get a brick or stone fireplace

A brick or stone fireplace will always be a steady favorite among property owners who are gunning for a rustic theme. The good news is that there is no shortage of companies that can supply high-quality bricks and natural stones such as slate and bluestone so you can decorate your home with an elegant and truly bucolic-looking fireplace.

Have lots of logs/wood

One predominant characteristic of a rustic property is the liberal use of fine logs and wood that altogether help achieve an unmistakable rural appeal. Whether we’re talking about wooden ceilings or logs that are used as exterior wall claddings, it’s hard to get things wrongly on the design end when you use such natural materials in your property. Fortunately, there is no shortage of home building supply stores that keep a decent inventory of high-grade logs and wood so sourcing the right materials won’t be a pain.

Invest in some wrought iron pieces

Be it a chandelier, a set of chairs, or a lampshade, you should definitely include some fine pieces of wrought iron furniture in your design efforts. There is something subdued, yet undeniably elegant about wrought iron that makes it a popular choice among interior designers and property owners who are big about the rustic appeal. You can easily find some pretty amazing wrought iron products that you can use to decorate your interior and even exterior spaces.

Use repurposed materials

Who says you need to bleed out financially just to come up with a rustic property? Well, the great news is that you could actually achieve your desired appeal without spending a lot of money. You can actually just visit some shops that specialize in the sale of salvaged materials from old buildings and structures. For example, you can use reclaimed wooden railroad ties to decorate your living room, bathroom or gazebo. There is no limit to the possibilities in terms of rustic setting that you can enjoy – just be creative enough to think of ways to repurpose such discarded materials and you’ll surely have a great-looking rustic enclave.

Get some ‘found objects’ and use them as accent pieces

Rustic place by the beach

‘Found objects’ simply refer to materials that are sourced from old junkyards or even the woods. In fact, when you invest enough time and energy to search for things like a dead branch or a discarded wooden barrel, you can have excellent accent pieces that will virtually cost you nothing.

Giving your home a sense of personality is always a welcome idea. Take inspiration from these simple hacks and you’ll be on your way to having a property that you can be truly proud of.

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