2021 Tech Trend News Roundup

We live in a world reliant on technology to function. We need electricity to accomplish even the most basic tasks like cooking. Governments and large companies utilize digital files to store very important data. Banks also now use virtual processes to make everything more streamlined. And all this reliance on technology is not bad per se, after all, it has made our lives more efficient.

But as the years go by, we often begin to think that perhaps this is the furthest technology can come- and we all know that’s wrong. Here are some major trends to look forward to this year:

Android 12 is Finally Coming

While Android 11 was just released last September 2020, Google has already shown the next iteration in their popular mobile operating system. Google has finally unveiled the succeeding Android 12 to developers, and it boasts of new features and performance improvements that guarantee a better-function smartphone. Improving on innovations from the last version, Android 12 offers better privacy features. It is intended to give the user control over how apps process their information, as more and more people are becoming aware of how companies make use of people’s personal data.

It also has improved accessibility options, improving on the one-handed move from previous versions This is particularly important as smartphones nowadays are becoming bigger and bigger. Another safety and accessibility feature Android 12 provides is an emergency SOS that can be triggered by pressing the power button five times. This is a very useful safety feature that we can all face safe having.

Faster but Rarer GPUs

GPUs have become a hot item in recent years, as the gaming industry continuously expands. More and more companies are putting in effort into releasing games with high graphical fidelity, and the market answers with astoundingly high support. Video games have moved beyond children’s past time into a legitimate hobby anyone can enjoy. And with GPU giant Nvidia’s latest RTX 30 series release, gaming fans are looking forward to playing all the popular video games and push their graphics to the limit.

However, the latest GPU stock has skyrocketed in price, not because of gamers’ demands but of a parallel community: crypto mining. Cryptocurrency miners use GPU to do the complex computational tasks that mining requires, buying out the entire GPU stock of local stores. Thankfully, Nvidia has taken notice and is planning to take action to still provide their products to their target market- gamers.

man watching a video

Single Board Computing isn’t Very Niche Anymore

If you’re interested in tech and gadgets, you might have encountered SBCs or single-board computers. These credit-card-sized computers have the computational ability of basic desktops from the early to mid-2000s, but that power is constantly improving. They may have started with single-core CPUs clocked 888mhz, but now many SBCs feature a quad-core CPU for up to 2.4ghz- just like a standard laptop.

With the Raspberry Pi foundation releasing the latest model in their most popular line of SBCs, the tinkering hobby is not as niche anymore. More people are beginning to see the appeal, and with the importance of tech in our daily life, many have taken to SBCs to create personal devices. From home audio systems to a relatively complex security system, to a retro gaming console to a streaming box, single-board computers’ flexibility and adaptability make them really popular for those getting into tech. And as more and more people feel empowered to learn about technology, we can only expect SBC’s rise,

Streaming Technology and its Increase in Traffic

The world is forced to close down and its people are forced to stay inside, all to prevent a deadly disease from spreading. Most countries, and companies, have complied, after all, it’s people’s lives and livelihood that are at stake. But staying inside the house and minimizing all social contact can only go for so long. People need to go back to work, and students need to continue their studies. And go back to work and school they did, virtually at least. Most companies now demand their employees to do their tasks remotely and have their meetings via live stream. Schools are doing the same too, offering homework and online classes.

Luckily, video-calls and streaming technology have improved leaps and bounds from the basic Internet video chat from a few years ago. No longer do we need a dedicated desktop PC to do video chat (but you still can, if you like the experience), as video calls can now be done on a tablet or a phone. And with companies like Skype, Slack, and Zoom receiving increased traffic, we can expect their researchers to put in more time and effort into making their software more efficient.

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