How to Monitor Your Employee’s Productivity in Today’s Remote World

In today’s remote world, monitoring your employees’ productivity is more important than ever. With people working from home and on the go, it can be challenging to know what they are doing throughout the day. However, there are a few ways that you can track and monitor employee productivity, even in a remote setting. Here are some tips:

Use Remote Access Software

In today’s business world, more and more employees are working remotely. While this arrangement has many benefits, it can also make it difficult for managers to monitor employee productivity. Fortunately, there is a solution: remote access software. This software lets managers see what employees are doing on their computer screens.

For example, if the manager wants to know what the employee is doing on Google chrome, he or she can do so by using remote access software. With remote access to Chrome software, the manager will know the websites the employee uses. Moreover, the manager can also track how much time the employee is spending on each website.

This information can be invaluable in keeping track of employee productivity and ensuring that deadlines are being met. In addition, remote access software can also train and support employees working remotely.

Implement Time Tracking

Many time-tracking tools can help you monitor employee activity and see where they spend their time. This information can be invaluable in helping you to identify areas where employees may need more support or training.

In addition, time tracking can help you to spot potential issues with company policy or procedure. By monitoring employee activity, you can quickly identify and address any problems.

Set Clear Goals and Expectations

First, sit down with your team and discuss the goals for the upcoming week or month. Once the goals are established, it’s important to check in regularly to see how everyone is progressing.

One way to do this is to set up a weekly video call where each team member updates their progress. This will help ensure that everyone is on track and identify areas where someone may be struggling. Additionally, it’s essential to be open to adjusting goals as needed based on the feedback from your team.

Conduct Regular Check-ins

Another way to ensure that your employees stay on track is to conduct regular check-ins. These can be done in person, over the phone, or even via video conference. During the check-in, take the time to ask your employee about their current project, what they have accomplished so far, and any challenges they are facing.

An employer checking in on her employees

This will not only help you to stay up-to-date on their progress, but it will also allow you to offer assistance or resources if needed.

Provide Training and Resources

You can take several steps to help ensure that your employees stay on task. First, provide them with the necessary resources to do their job effectively. This may include access to relevant software applications or other tools.

Second, give them clear expectations for what is expected of them. Be sure to set deadlines and provide feedback on their progress. Finally, offer training on how to stay productive when working from home.

Encourage Collaboration and Communication

It’s important for employees to feel comfortable communicating with their managers and colleagues about any challenges they may be facing. Encourage open communication and make it clear that you are available to offer support or assistance.

In addition, encourage collaboration among team members. This can help to foster a sense of teamwork and make it easier for employees to ask for help or support when needed.

By implementing these tips, you can effectively monitor and track employee productivity even in a remote setting. This will not only increase overall team efficiency, but it will also improve morale and job satisfaction among your employees.

Encourage Work-Life Balance

With so many people working remotely, workers can easily get burnt out or feel like they’re always on the clock. This can lead to decreased productivity and engagement with their work. As an employer, you can help promote a healthy work-life balance by providing clear expectations and guidelines around work hours, encouraging employees to take breaks, and offering flex time or working-from-home options.

You can also create a culture of transparency and respect by being open to honest feedback about workloads and deadlines. Creating a healthy work-life balance for your employees will help them be more productive, engaged, and happy.


Implementing these strategies allows you to monitor and track employee productivity in a remote setting. Remember to communicate regularly with your team and provide them with the necessary resources and support to help them succeed.

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