Three Things to Do Before an RV Road Trip

After months in lockdown, it can feel restless being cooped up at home. The big problem is the health concern. States have closed their borders while countries have implemented travel bans. As a result, people have been forced to cancel their flights and hotel reservations. But this doesn’t mean that you can’t have a safe vacation. Experts recommend outdoor trips nearby where you don’t have to rent a car or stay at a hotel. The best way to do that is with a recreational vehicle so head to the nearest RV dealer and start planning your trip.

Here are a few things you can do to have a safe and stress-free vacation:

1. Pick Your Route

Planning a vacation during a pandemic will take time and effort. You have to consider a few factors before booking a campsite. First, check out the travel restrictions of your destination. If you’re planning to go to a different state, it might get complicated. Some have imposed a 2-week quarantine for visitors from states with high infection rates. It might be better to stick to your current state. You could take the time to visit lesser-known locations or places you’ve been wanting to see. Another advantage to a nearby destination is the familiarity. You probably already know the nearest establishments when you need to buy something.

Another important factor to consider is the distance. Refueling is inevitable especially if you’re planning a lengthy trip. To minimize the chances of infection, the trick is to minimize your stops. Fill up your tank before the trip and bring a gas can for emergencies. Calculate the range of your vehicle’s range so you can have an estimate how many gas stops you’ll have to make. For RVs, you also have to factor in locations with low clearances and restrictions. Thanks to technology, planning is easier than ever. You can use a mobile app to help you map out an RV-friendly route. You can also do some research online. Check out what other travelers have said about your destination. They may have tips about finding parking areas that can fit an RV.

2. Stock up on Food

family campingOne of best things about RVs is their built-in kitchens. Unlike SUVs and crossovers, you don’t have to settle on snacks that won’t fill you up. Instead, you can prepare your meals while you’re on the road. Plus, you can avoid stops at restaurants that are crowded and may be potential virus hot spots. The important thing to do beforehand is to prepare. Make sure to bring enough food for everyone. If you’re planning to hike or swim, you’re going to need more than usual.

You should also ensure that your prep your ingredients. Marinate proteins ahead of time. You can also cook the rice in advance but make sure you store it right. Otherwise, it will go bad and it’ll just take up space. A good way to get your load of carbs is to pack a lot of bread. You can mix up the fillings so you won’t end up eating the same thing for days. It’s also best to bring a cooler to store perishable food. Make sure to stock up on eggs, chicken, canned tuna, and olive oil — ingredients that are used in a lot of recipes. Plus, don’t forget to bring seasoning. You can make a variety of dishes so you won’t get tired of the same old thing.

Besides bringing the right ingredients, it’s also crucial to consider the storage. Remember that your stuff will move a lot during your trip. Avoid bringing fragile dinnerware. Stick to plastic containers that can be stacked to keep your food organized. You might also need some rope to ensure they won’t fall out of position.

3. Keep an Emergency Kit

If there was ever a bad time for a trip to the hospital, it’s now. Hospitals across the country are filling up because of the pandemic. It’s always best to consult a professional when there’s been a medical emergency. But for minor accidents and injuries, you can use a handy first aid kit.

There are kits available on the market that are ready to use. But it’s best to check and make sure they have the right materials. The CDC has a list of recommended supplies that are fit for the entire family. It’s also good to bring an extra bottle of alcohol spray for disinfection.

While vacations are allowed, it’s best to take extra precaution. Cover all your bases and plan for different scenarios. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

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