AI Art for Beginners: Getting Started with Art Prompts and Tools

AI-generated art has grown significantly in recent years, gaining recognition for its captivating and groundbreaking creations. Reports indicate that the AI art market is projected to grow by 40.5% by 2032, highlighting the increasing interest in this convergence of technology and creativity.

For those intrigued by this surge, this guide will provide an introduction to creating AI art for beginners. From understanding what AI art is and how it works to exploring different tools and techniques, this guide will equip you with the basic knowledge and resources needed to start your journey into AI art.

Understanding AI-Generated Art

Defining AI Art


AI-generated art combines artificial intelligence and artistic creativity to generate visual pieces. This field diversifies into various forms, primarily generative and neural art. Generative art is algorithm-driven, creating art through predefined rules and randomness, whereas neural art leverages neural networks to mimic or augment artistic styles.

The digital art community is increasingly embracing AI art; the global market for generative AI, a key contributor to AI art, is valued at $11.3 billion in 2023 and is foreseen to burgeon to $51.8 billion by 2028​​.

Evolution of AI in Art

The combination of AI and art has a long history. Initially, AI played a basic role in assisting with simple tasks. But it has evolved to become a vital creative collaborator. Prominent AI artists such as Harold Cohen’s AARON and Janelle Shane have pushed boundaries, demonstrating AI’s ability to be original and adapt to different styles.

Moreover, platforms like DALL-E, which has amassed over 1.5 million users despite being paywalled, exhibit the growing symbiosis between AI and artistry​. This evolution has transformed AI from a tool to a collaborative entity in the art world, ushering in a new era of artistic exploration.

AI Art Tools and Platforms

Overview of AI Art Tools

entrepreneur using his laptop smiling

AI art tools and platforms empower beginners to craft exquisite pieces effortlessly. Runway ML, DeepArt, and Artbreeder are user-friendly interfaces where one can generate art without deep technical know-how. These platforms host diverse AI art, ranging from style transfers and face generations to abstract visualizations, offering a glimpse of artworks created by novices and professionals alike.

Creating AI Art


Creating your first AI-generated artwork is an exciting endeavor made simple with step-by-step guidance offered by these tools. Resources like video tutorials on DeepArt and community forums on Artbreeder provide practical insight and examples, assisting you in seamlessly navigating the creative process.

Art Prompts and Inspiration

Exploring AI Art Prompts

Art prompts influence creativity within AI art creation, acting as initial sparks or ideas artists can build upon. These themes or suggestions provide a starting point, helping artists overcome the daunting blank canvas while fostering innovation and originality.

Art prompts are especially crucial for those exploring the limitless possibilities of AI-generated art, providing guidance and inspiration. According to a study by, artists utilizing AI art prompts witnessed a 28% boost in their creative output, highlighting the vital role prompts play in the creation process.

Prompts for Beginners

Embarking on AI art creation can be exhilarating, and beginner-friendly prompts are the perfect starting points for novices. Start with accessible themes like ‘Surreal Landscapes’, which can inspire the creation of dreamlike, fantastical scenery using AI’s unique generative capabilities. ‘Futuristic Portraits’ is another engaging prompt, where AI tools craft visages that merge human features with imaginative, futuristic elements. Additionally, ‘Abstract Emotions’ allow beginners to explore the representation of feelings through abstract, visually striking AI-generated imagery.

These prompts have inspired creations shared on platforms like Artbreeder, where beginners and experts showcase their AI-generated masterpieces, offering insight and inspiration for newcomers to the field.

The Creative Process

AI Art Workflow

The workflow for crafting AI-generated art is systematic yet allows for creative freedom. Typically, artists start with conceptualizing, followed by selecting appropriate AI tools and prompts. The execution phase involves iterative generation and refinement of the artwork, often leading to unpredictable and mesmerizing results.

Collaborating with AI

Artists and AI collaborate, forging a synergy where human creativity meets computational prowess. Notable artists like Mario Klingemann and Helena Sarin actively incorporate AI into their practice, weaving a tapestry of traditional artistry and cutting-edge technology, unfolding novel aesthetic exploration vistas.

Showcasing AI Art

Sharing Your Artwork

To elevate the visibility of your AI-generated art, leveraging various online platforms is key. Social media channels, including Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest, offer expansive audiences appreciating and engaging with digital art. Additionally, online galleries and forums dedicated to AI art, such as DeviantArt and Behance, serve as vibrant spaces for showcasing and discovering artworks.

Artists like Robbie Barrat and Sofia Crespo gained significant recognition and built their careers by actively sharing and promoting their AI-generated pieces through these dynamic platforms.

Art Critique and Feedback

Engaging with critique and feedback is pivotal for an artist’s growth and refinement in their craft. Constructive criticism provides invaluable insights and perspectives, helping artists to perceive their work through different lenses and improve subsequently. The AI art community is known for its supportive and collaborative environment.

Artists like Janelle Shane have shared that the feedback received from the community has been crucial in honing their skills and developing a distinctive style in AI-generated art. Actively participating in forums, group discussions, and online critiques can markedly enhance the quality and depth of your AI art practice.

Ethical Considerations

Ownership and Copyright

Ownership and copyright issues in AI-generated art are intricate, stirring ethical debates. When AI creates art, discerning the rightful owner—whether it’s the AI, programmer, or user—becomes complex.

Legal cases, like the dispute over the artwork “Edmond de Belamy” auctioned at Christie’s, spotlight these challenges. Such cases underline the imperative for clear guidelines and regulations regarding the intellectual property rights of AI-generated artworks, ensuring fair recognition and compensation for human contributors while addressing the unique nature of AI creations.

Attribution and Transparency

Ethical AI art creation mandates transparent disclosure of AI’s role in the artistic process. Transparency fosters an informed appreciation of the artwork, acknowledging the collaboration between human creativity and AI’s capabilities.

Artists like Trevor Paglen and organizations like the Creative AI Lab advocate for ethical practices in AI art, emphasizing the importance of clarity in attribution and the conscientious use of AI in the art-making process. Through their efforts, these proponents help establish a framework for responsibly navigating the intersection of art and artificial intelligence.

AI Art in Contemporary Culture

Impact on Art Communities

AI art is profoundly influencing traditional art communities, serving as a catalyst for innovation and dialogue. Critics and scholars alike observe a dynamic shift in artistic creation and appreciation, with AI introducing novel aesthetics and methodologies. Renowned critic Jerry Saltz has acknowledged the unique allure and potential challenges of AI-generated art, underscoring its transformative impact on the contemporary art scene.

Art and Technology Convergence

The convergence of art and technology, spearheaded by AI, has unveiled unprecedented possibilities for expression and engagement. This symbiosis is celebrated in various global exhibitions and events dedicated to AI art, such as the “AI: More than Human” exhibition at London’s Barbican Centre. These platforms illuminate the captivating intersections of art and advanced technology, inviting audiences to explore and contemplate the future of creativity.

Future Possibilities

AI’s Creative Potential

The frontier of AI in art is expansive, with researchers and artists envisioning a future brimming with possibilities. As AI continues to evolve, it’s anticipated to play a pivotal role in unlocking unprecedented creative depths.

Insights from AI researchers and seasoned artists reveal the potential for AI-driven creativity to emulate human-like artistry and conceive beyond conventional bounds, ushering in a new epoch of artistic expression and aesthetic exploration.

Innovations in AI Art

Continuous innovations are reshaping the landscape of AI art, with novel tools and techniques emerging at the intersection of technology and creativity. Recent advancements, as reported by The Art Newspaper and others, include the development of more intuitive interfaces, integration of augmented reality (AR) in AI art creation, and the inception of AI that can respond to and learn from users’ artistic preferences and styles.

Many speculate that these advancements will pave the way for more significant AI-powered ventures in the arts, transforming how people perceive and create art. Furthermore, these innovations signify a dynamic shift towards a more interactive and personalized AI art experience, marking a thrilling chapter in the annals of art and technology.


As AI art continues to captivate the world, this guide is a starting point for beginners keen on exploring and creating in this exciting field. From understanding the basics of AI-generated art to exploring different tools, prompts, and ethical considerations, this guide equips you with essential knowledge and resources, empowering you to embark on your journey into the dynamic realm of AI art. Embrace your creativity and immerse yourself in the limitless possibilities of AI-assisted artistry; who knows what masterpieces you may create? Stay curious, and keep creating.

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